Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Stigma of Being Single

Now that I am single, everyone has been telling me that things are going to look up, that I will find the right girl and get married.  But, now that I am single, I quite enjoy the solitude.  I have less responsibility, more free time, more money and I get to watch UFC unleashed all afternoon.  So, why is it so important for everyone else that I jump back into a relationship, or even start looking?  Misery loves company, well so do people in relationships.  I think everyone wants what they don't have so if they see me being content with a single life, they somewhat envy the freedom.  Moreover, they want more soldiers in their army. Well, I think that there is something to be said for someone that does not find their happiness through others, but through themselves.  Maybe its evolution or natural selection.  Maybe my kind is being slowly weeded out until everyone is coupled up.  I used to be a hopeless romantic.  I used to believe you had a soulmate, or atleast would find that one that would erase in other potentials.  I now believe that everyone is lost and scared.  People are frantic to find something to hold on to, someone that will remember them when they are gone, someone to carry on their legacy.  This causes people to continue on with terrible relationships and to lose respect for themselves.  I think that the biggest cynics are carved out of hopeless romantics. Sometimes though, people can just "be" without having to be with someone. 


  1. I know that when I got dumped in college I felt like crap for about two weeks then the same feelings of wow I can go play video games with my pals and not feel guilty because Im not spending time with so and so set in.

  2. agreed. things have become a little more monotonous, but a lot cheaper. so give and take

  3. There's a bad stigma about it of course but being single can be great. Aamedor is right about it freeing up so much time as well!

  4. Great Post :) +1 & followed

  5. that's a cynical perspective, but I can't say i disagree with it.
    the fear of dying alone seems a good motivation for people to put up with others.

  6. My friends in long term relationships always appear to be happy until they start talking about the relationship. It's rare to find the truly happy ones. Im not saying that it doesn't exist. It just doesn't exist for most. thankyou for the comments. If I ever get into another relationship, Ill eat my words. I can honestly say that I hope I don't get back in one though.
